
Pursuing excellence is our culture, and experience is the best teacher. Establishing a culture of excellence to deliver the highest quality of service takes time, commitment, innovation and hard work. We want to get you there.

Providing for all Servicing Solutions’ associates as they begin their career with us. Our course is a combination of classroom training and “On-the-Floor” training called gateway training. Classroom training can last up to 3 weeks and includes lecture, hands-on activities, and side-by-side on the floor. Trainees must obtain passing scores on the quizzes, a test on FDCPA, and a final exam.

An extension of the new hire classroom training. The learning environment transitions the associate from the classroom to their position on the servicing floor. The focus of the development is on catching them doing the job right and applying the wealth of information covered in the classroom.

Focuses on developing the management and leadership skill sets of our leaders. We have a selection of management and leadership books that expose leaders to relevant management concepts. The concepts are discussed in a group setting led by the core management team. Additional training sessions focus on the processes and tasks of being a leader.
Our training program is built on an attitude of learning and growth. Our results are directly related to the mastery of basic skills combined with the desire to improve and make every opportunity count.
Do you have what it takes to join our team? Click here for opportunities.