Company News, Customer Service, Outsourcing

The Benefits of a Nearshore/Domestic Contact Center Blend

The demand for nearshore contact center support has grown significantly in recent years, according to organizations such as Forrester Research and Site Selection Group.  This demand has only elevated in recent months due to the strain the US labor market has experienced since the onset of Covid-19.

While offshore options in nations across the globe may continue to be a viable option for some, many US companies are realizing the many benefits of utilizing a combination of domestic and nearshore options to meet demand and, most importantly, keep overall customer satisfaction at high levels.

At Servicing Solutions, we have built our business on this blend of domestic and nearshore customer support to the benefit of our clients.  For our non-domestic operations, we have chosen to focus on nearshore options due to the following benefits:

Cultural Alignment:  Cultural barriers can be a major hurdle to overcome when outsourcing to traditional offshore locations such as India or the Philippines.  Even if an agent is fluent in English, there is often a cultural disconnect that can lead to confusion or frustration.  Nearshore agents, especially in locations near the US border, are fully immersed in American culture and colloquialisms.

Availability of Bilingual Agents:  43 million Americans (nearly 15% of the population) speak Spanish as their primary language.  Of course, many of these Americans are fluent or near-fluent in English. However, according to a column in Entrepreneur Magazine, the vast majority of consumers prefer to do business with brands in their native language, no matter their proficiency in their second language.  It should come as no surprise that the same column goes on to reveal that 71% of customer service leaders report that CSAT scores improve dramatically when interacting in the customer’s native language, highlighting the importance of bi-lingual agents.

Talent Pool: The nearshore market is supported by a vast network of skilled labor, and this continues to grow. Mexico, in which our nearshore location is located, is home to nearly 170,000 contact center workers, according to CustomerServ.  Being located in a talent-rich region allows for the ability to quickly attract employees as companies scale or experience increases in customer support volume.

Proximity: Many offshore call centers take a full day or more to fly to, making it difficult to conduct site visits or regular quality checks. Nearshore locations can be visited in a matter of hours, allowing easy access to meet with location management, ensure standards are up to par, and make adjustments as necessary.  Time zones are similar to the US, allowing for regular phone or virtual meetings.

Cost: Naturally, there are cost savings considerations when utilizing a nearshore location with lower labor rates.  While these may not be as dramatic as traditional offshore markets, we believe using both nearshore and onshore locations provide the right mix of cost control and quality assurance.

Looking to arrive at the right blend of onshore and nearshore customer support?  We’d love to chat.  “Invest in Real Experience” and contact us at