Auto Financing

The Repossession Resurgance

The rise in auto repossessions is closely linked to broader economic pressures that have escalated financial strain for many car owners. This week, we examine how economic factors are influencing auto loan delinquencies and, subsequently, repossessions and what companies are doing about it.

The pandemic era brought substantial price increases in the auto market due to supply chain disruptions and increased demand. As the prices of vehicles soared, so did the average amount of auto loans, making repayments more challenging for many borrowers. These heightened costs, combined with the end of pandemic-era financial relief like stimulus checks and enhanced unemployment benefits, have squeezed household budgets tighter. Lenders and Loan Servicing Providers are working closely to align their resources with these steadily rising rates and deploy proper asset recovery strategies where necessary.

This financial strain has led to an uptick in loan delinquencies and consequently, repossessions. Notably, younger borrowers, especially Millennials and Gen Z, are experiencing higher delinquency rates, which may be attributed to less stable financial footing compared to older generations. Many of these borrowers are also navigating student loan debt and the evolving forgiveness programs.

The transition into delinquency for auto loans has surpassed pre-pandemic levels, indicating a broader trend of financial distress among borrowers. This situation is exacerbated by high vehicle prices and the substantial loan amounts taken on by consumers during the pandemic, which are now proving difficult to manage as economic aid wanes. Some households are being challenged to prioritize certain financial obligations over others, further influencing the risk of delinquent accounts.

Lenders, Credit Unions, and Loan Servicers are preparing for increased repossession activity as more consumers fail to meet their car payments. This readiness is a response to the growing number of delinquencies, especially among subprime borrowers who are now more than ever at risk of losing their vehicles to repossession due to delinquency.

The industry, which saw a downturn during the pandemic due to moratoriums on repossessions, is seeing a resurgence as these protections have lapsed and economic conditions have tightened. Because of this, more lenders are establishing partnerships with trusted repossession forwarders and asset recovery specialists to bolster their response to the rising demand.

Current trends indicate that both prime and subprime borrowers are facing escalating risks of repossession as economic challenges persist. Servicing Solutions is rising to the occasion by providing reliable Repossession Forwarding Services. We employ a robust nationwide network of fully compliant, thoroughly vetted agents to manage repossession forwarding effectively and efficiently, completely customized to the needs of our partners. 

With Servicing Solutions, you are given end-to-end recovery services that combine repossession, skip tracing, and remarketing under one roof. We provide a streamlined solution that minimizes errors and enhances efficiency for our clients.

Reach out to us today to learn more about how we can help you keep moving forward.